Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Went to my team workout last night & all went really well... for the most part.

We were supposed to do 4.5 miles in drills... 1/4 mi. slow, 1/4 mi. fast, 1/2 mi. slow, 1/2 mi. fast, etc. I started out great. I knew I wouldn't be able to run very far, but each time I did, I made myself go a little bit further than the last time. My coach was telling me how great I was doing & how impressed she was that I was able to keep up such a steady pace. Even tho the running part was hard, I still felt good about my progress.

About 1/2 way thru the workout, a muscle started to tighten in my right ankle. I slowed down & then stopped to stretch it out for a bit & that really helped. I continued on, but we (my coach & I) decided to do just the 3 mile loop instead of the full 4.5 miles to give my ankle a rest. With about 3/4 mile left to go, I decided to run again, but with the first step on my right leg, I felt a big pain in my right knee (the same knee I hurt last year). I thought I just stepped wrong, so I "worked it out" & tried to run again. BAM! Pain again. So I had to walk the rest of the way.

I was very frustrated, especially since I was doing so well. My coach tried to give me a pep talk & said not to worry... that she was still very impressed w/ my progress & could tell I was doing lots of training on my own. That made me feel better.

I went home & soaked my legs in a cold bath, then took a hot bath afterwards & popped a few Ibuprofin. My knee was bothering me most of the night, but so far, has felt fine today. I think tonight I'll just do some yoga & give the knee a rest. I want to be at full strengthor the 8 miles on Saturday.


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