Friday, April 07, 2006

Losing wisdom

Well, I'm back from having my last 3 wisdom teeth pulled & let me tell you... that was NOT fun. That was MISERABLE!!! The upper right tooth was a piece of cake. Absolutely no pain & it came out bing, bam, boom. The bottom teeth? TOTALLY different story. The left one hurt when he started so he gave me more novacaine & went to the right one. It did NOT want to come out. He had to drill it a little & then it broke in 1/2 when he tried to pull it. It was wedged in there pretty good. When it finally came out, he called for help because I think it was bleeding real bad. He kept asking for "super suction". I think it broke into a few tiny pieces as well & he was trying to get them out of the back of my throat.

After he got the right teeth out, he went back to the left one. No pain finally, but again, it just did NOT want to come out. He drilled it & finally it came out, but it, too broke & the big part of my tooth got lodged in the back of my throat. I panicked at 1st because I was choking. I knew panicking wasn't going to help me so I calmed down & allowed him to work to get it out of my throat. After what seemed like an eternity (which I'm sure was really all of about 5 seconds) he got it out. *whew!*

Oh & did I mention that in the middle of all of this, the fire alarm started going off in the building & fire trucks pulled up outside?

Good times.

My poor mom was sitting in the waiting room & said she could hear me wimpering & gagging. She said she was SO nervous & worried about me. When I came out my hands were shaking like you wouldn't believe. I could barely sign the credit card receipt. Almost immediately my right jaw was hurting. I just know that once all this novacaine wears off (I swear he gave me about 40 shots) I just know I'm going to be in agony. I took a Vicodin as soon as I got to the dentist's office & I can feel it finally kicking in (my adrenaline stopped it from really working in the beginning). You can bet your booty I am going to keep myself heavily medicated for the rest of the weekend.

Ugh. This sucks. But I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad it's over. The rest should be a walk in the park (I have a few more fillings to get done).

Speaking of walking in the park, according to the after care instructions I received, I am to "remain quiet for 24-48 hours. Avoid strenuous exercise, work, and running for the next few days." Honestly, the being quiet part will be harder than the no running part. LOL!

Hmmmm... is it time for another Vicodin yet?


At 11:34 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Ouch!! Glad you don't have to go through that again. Feel better soon, and enjoy all those liquid meals you will be having the next couple days!!


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