Saturday, January 07, 2006

T minus 8 days...

... and counting until the Houston Half Marathon. I'm starting to get excited. I'm also starting to get a little nervous. I'm not sure why. I know I can finish well under the 4 hour time limit, but I keep hearing that if you really don't go at about a 13 min./mile pace that they start moving you off the street & start pulling up the water. I don't mind so much running on the side walks, but no water??? I really didn't want to have to wear my fuel belt because it adds so much weight, but then again, if it's warm out (which it just may be) I'll need it anyway because I get dehydrated fast. Grrr! I really don't want to wear that thing.

In other news, I had a great 6 mile run today. Well, mostly. My shin no longer hurts, my knee was only mildly sore, & I was able to get in a really good zone, but I still felt sluggish. However, I was able to keep up a flat 15 minute pace the entire time, so I'm thinking it was just mental. If I can keep that same pace for the race, then I should be able to finish in just about 3 hours & 20 minutes which would be FABULOUS! (at least for me) But I'm not going to hold my breath. I'm just going to do the best that I can & see what happens.

This week leading up to the race is going to be hectic. I have the Mentor Appreciation Party tonight (which should be good fun), then tomorrow I have to go to my parents' house to get my dad's credit card so I can pay for Moe's surgery & also so I can give Moe a nice gentle bath (they have a hand-held shower head that makes it easier). Monday morning is Moe's surgery, then I pick him up Tuesday afternoon (it's gonna SUCK not having him home with me Monday night). I have some stupid meetings at work that I really don't want to attend during the week but are mandatory (blech), then there's the HRBRC Pasta Party Friday at the Spaghetti Warehouse, the TNT pasta party Saturday at the Houston Club, then of course the race Sunday, followed by what will hopefully be one bad ass victory party at the Cadillac Bar Sunday afternoon.

Monday I sleep all day. :)

Then in February, it starts all over again with the new season.



At 3:05 PM, Blogger Steve Bezner said...

Getting nervous here as well.

Good Luck! Your going to do great!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger said...


Saw you this morning out on the Loop, but didn't have the chance to stop and say Hello! Jessica and I were going in the opposite direction, at about 6:40 a.m., as you were approaching the corner before you turned left to head back towards the Tennis Center.

Cassie said that you are going to be joining us on Friday night. Looking forward to meeting you other than saying, "Hey, I've read your blog!" Bill shared with me too that you were the featured Mentor in the monthly TNT newsletter. I saw it. Congratulations!

My 10-year-old daughter and I will be rocking along the half marathon course hopefully at 13 min/mile - which would be a 2:50 finish for her.


At 10:03 AM, Blogger Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

you are going to be great-just go out and have fun :)


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