Sunday, January 01, 2006

Can't sleep

I slept all day so even though I should be in bed right now, I'm pretty much wide awake, so I figured I'd make a little post. First of all...


Second of all... This past week sucked.

Big time.

It involved the following:
  • bad nutrition
  • little sleep
  • the death of a close family friend (the 2nd death of a family friend in 2 weeks)
  • practically passing out at the cost of fixing my dog's torn ACL ($3500!!!)
  • panicking about how in the world I am going to pay for said cost of fixing my dog
  • a broken tooth causing much pain (which, due to the surgical needs of my dog, I can't afford to fix at the moment)
  • drinking too much
By Saturday I felt horrible, but I still went to practice, even though I hadn't worked out all week. I originally planned to do the 10 mile route, but before I'd even gone a mile, I knew I'd only do 8. Thanks to a big, not-so-nutritous meal at my mom's the night before & little sleep, I felt like a slug. I couldn't stomach my usual power bar in the morning. One bite & I wanted to hurl, so all I had was water & a few crackers. When I started the run I had zero energy & my legs felt like 10 tons of lead. My left shin had been bothering me since last week's long run & was still hurting & every time I'd run, the top of my right knee would hurt. Eventually I gave up on running all together & walked the last 5 or 6 miles of the course. By the time I finished (about 2.25 hours... HORRID!!!) I was so pissed at myself & very discouraged. I haven't had a day this bad in a long time & it S-U-C-K-E-D!!

Today my knee feels better, but my left shin is still very sore. It hurts like a mo-fo to flex my foot. This is not good. I do NOT want this to mess up the 1/2 marathon. It's only 2 weeks away!! I don't know what to do.

After the way I've felt all day today, I'm thinking all the drinking I did on NYE wasn't the answer.

So far this year isn't off to the best start.



At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Have you iced your shin? That might help. Are you getting enough support from your shoes? Hope your leg feels better soon, and that the New Year picks up. You will do great at the half!

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

you'll be fine...lots of water and eating right will get you back on track. sleep works wonders too:)

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Tiggs said...

poor moe, is he gonna be okay?

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Erin said...

Thanks guys. I'm feeling better, but still a little sore in the left shin.

Moe should be fine Cassie. I got a 3rd opinion & found a good vet to do a different surgery & it'll only cost me about $900. *whew!*

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Tiggs said...

whew! good, poor little moe!

The HRBRC is basically a social running group right now. We're not a training program as we don't have the $$ to do that kind of thing, but we do get together for training runs, races, we're getting club shirts and a tent to set up at events, we'll prob do a waterstop or volunteer in some other way at a few local events during the year. It's only $10 to join and we'll likely use that money to buy our tent. We're having a pre-marathon pasta party next Thursday and in February we're putting together teams to do the Beach to Bay relay. We've got all paces- more mid packers than anything else- and we just like to hang out and have fun!

PS: Are you going up to the Woodlands for the TNT thing on the 28th?

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Erin said...

So Cassie - would a super-slow poke like me be welcome?

I should be at the event on the 28th. The only thing that would keep me would be the possibility of a certain party occuring the night before. If it does, then I won't be at the TNT thing the next day.

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Jill said...

You are not a slow poke! You are a "getting out there and doing it" poke! You have improved tremendously, just think how much more you will improve as time goes by.

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Tiggs said...

u r not a slow poke! of course you are more than welcome and we'd be honored to have ya!!

come to the pasta party if you can-I don't know if TNT has their thing on Friday night- but if you can make it we will be at Spaghetti Warehouse. You can log in and RSVP on the message board :)

Jill, you should come too :):) to get to the message board


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