Friday, November 25, 2005

Weather update

According to Mr. Weatherman, there's a 90-100% chance for bad thunderstorms early tomorrow morning, so I have decided to sleep in & skip out on practice tomorrow. I'm actually kinda glad, because I kinda accidentally took about a 3 hour nap late this afternoon & now there's no way I'll ever get to bed early. We'll see how the weather progresses throughout the day & if it gets better maybe I'll head over to Rice & do a few laps.

We shall see.


I'm so glad I decided to sleep in. It's POURING!! Seems like a perfect day to stay inside & snuggle up on the couch with a good book. :)


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Megan said...

Erin, I hadn't realized you were continuing with your running. I am so proud of you for doing all this...and super impressed! I want you to know, you've truly motivated me. I was just looking this evening for a half marathon to do in SoCal, and I found a great one along the beach on February 5th! It's probably not enough time to train properly, but considering how quickly you did your training for your big marathon, I think I might be able to pull this off. Woo!

Oh, and I'm copying you in another way: I started a training blog too!


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