Saturday, April 22, 2006

What a difference a week makes

It's amazing how different a person can feel in the course of a week. Last weekend I had an abundance of energy & did over 18 miles like it was nothing. I was sore for a bit afterwards, but nothing unbearable & I went through the week relatively pain free. The only real problem I had was a huge blood blister under my right big toe-nail. It was killing me on Sunday, but felt better by Tuesday practice & I was able to run with no problem. However, by Thursday it hurt too much to even put a shoe on. I've had to drain it every day since. (Gross!)

Today I got up just after 4:00 am & got to practice just after 5:00 where I met up w/ my mentee Carmen & we got on our way. Today's route was about 13.5 miles but you would've thought we'd done a full 26.2. Neither one of us had any energy at all & we were both cranky as hell. We were walking like we were just strolling through the mall so I turned on my interval timer & started running. About 7 miles in, the ball of my left foot was KILLING me & my toes kept cramping up. The same thing was happening with Carmen. Every step hurt more than the last & it just made us more cranky. (Btw... normally I don't really like to run with anyone because I just get irritated but I LOVE running w/ Carmen. She's just like me & doesn't give a rats ass if I start bitching & cussing. In fact, she joins right in. But at the same time, we're both great motivators for each other. It's been a nice change of pace training with her.)

It took us what seemed like FOR-EV-ER to finish & by the time we did finish, practically every single part of my body (as well as Carmen's) hurt & I was (& still am) covered head to toe with an ugly, nasty rash. As I sit here right now my lower back is absolutely killing me & I am trying desperately not to scratch my rash.


I know it's just one bad week, but it's still SO discouraging.

I'm kinda glad I'm going out of town next weekend. There's no way I'm ready for 20 miles.



At 7:55 AM, Blogger Jill said...

You will be ready soon enough!! You are doing great, despite what you think. Just remember how far you have come since starting this adventure!


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