Thursday, July 07, 2005


I've been reading my old posts on this here blog & it's so funny to me how much I have changed in such a short amount of time. Just a few short months ago, I was complaining about the pain of doing 8 miles. Today, doing only 8 miles is an easy day. A few months ago, walking for an hour tired me out. Now, if I walk for only an hour, I feel like I've done nothing.

It's been almost 3 weeks since the marathon & I'm itching to find something else to do. I haven't worked out since the race but now that I'm pretty much over that horrible cold/flu & my feet have finally healed (who knew it would take so long for blisters to heal?) I need to get back out there. I probably won't do another TNT event until some time next year (the fundraising is SO hard & I don't think my friends & family would take too kindly to me hitting them up for money again so soon), but I still plan to do a marathon here & there. My old roommate, Evan & our friend, Rob are running in the San Antonio marathon in November & I think they've pretty much convinced me to do it with them. Lord knows I won't finish nearly as fast as they will, but hopefully if I keep up my training like I did for the Alaska marathon, I'll be able to improve my time significantly. (*crosses fingers*)

LOL! Is this really me? How did this happen? I HATE to exercise. It's all so amusing to me.


At 9:01 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Shouldn't your time drop just because you will be on paved roads in this race (not climbing a mountain of mud)? And I bet you San Antonio is flat. If you ran the whole marathon I think it would take you maybe 7 1/2 hours.


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