Sunday, August 21, 2005

Still alive

Yesterday was the 1st practice of the winter season. The new recruits were to meet at 6:45 & start running by 7:00. They were going to do a simple 3 miles, but I wanted to get in a little more than that, so I got up at 5:00 am so I could get to the park by 6:00 so I could do a 3 mile loop before the rest of the gang got to the park. I figured it would loosen me up a bit & get me ready to do another 3 miles with the group.

You know what they say about the best laid plans....

I'd forgotten how hard it was to get up so friggin' early on a Saturday. And 5:00 am wasn't even that early! In the few weeks leading up to the marathon, I was getting up at 4:00 am so I could be running by 5:00. But yesterday the hour had my brain in a complete fog. I'd pretty much forgotten my whole routine. I forgot everything. I forgot to put body glide under my arms, I forgot bug spray, a towel, water/gatorade, & a change of clothes & shoes. Thankfully, when I got to the park, the coaches were already there setting up & I was able to snag some bug spray from them. Then I was off & running.

Well... off & walking for the most part. I only ran about 1/3 of the time. I felt like my feet were cement blocks & I was trying to run through a swamp (it was about as humid as a swamp, that's for sure). There were 100's of people out there running... almost every single one of them passed me. And as they passed, I hated them. Inside my head I was screaming "Bitch! Asshole! Why do you mock me so????" I wanted them to be as slow as I was. I wanted them to know my misery. I wanted them to trip & fall. I wanted pterodactyls to swoop down from the sky & eat every last one of them... those fabulous, gliding runners with their tight bodies & smug attitudes who refused to follow the rules of park etiquette & ran 4 & 5 people across & had the gall to bump shoulders with me as they ran by. FUCK YOU!!! Yes, I'm fat & slow, but I have every right as you to be out here running you little bastards!

I was not in a good mood.

At about 2 miles, when I finally was able to ignore the assholes on the track & started running a bit more, I started to cramp in my side. WTF??? I've never had side cramps before. Cramps in my calves or toes, yes. But never my sides. It must've been that power bar I ate before I left the house. I knew I should've only eaten 1/2 of it. Damn you Power Bar!!!

At this point I wanted nothing more than to be back at the picnic table, not running. After what seemed like forever, I finally got my wish. By the time I finished my 3 miles, the new group of recruits, along with all the coaches & other mentors had started to gather. I was completely SOAKED with sweat. It looked like I'd jumped in a pool. I was SO hot & the sun hadn't even come up yet. I quickly grabbed a cup of ice water & poured it over my head in an attempt to cool down. I saw some of my mentees & they looked a bit surprised at my appearance. I'm sure I must've been a beautiful sight. ;-) We chatted a bit before the coaches began their welcome speech & then a guy from the local running store gave a presentation on the proper apparell to wear. Then they were off & running.

The other mentors & I stayed behind to have a brief meeting. Afterwards, I had planned on just sitting & waiting for everyone to finish, but my friend & fellow mentor, Carrissa asked me to run with her. It had been at least 40 minutes since I'd finished my 1st run & I was feeling much better, so I decided to go with her. Those next 3 miles were much easier. I don't know if it was just because I'd had a chance to rest or if it was because I was running with a friend this time around. Whatever it was, I felt good & it seemed to go by much faster than the 1st 3 miles.

After the run, we hung around at the park for a little bit with the newbies before we headed to breakfast at Biba's. It was the 1st time I'd been back there since the last practice before the maraton & it felt like going home again. I was with the same group of people & it was as if no time had passed. I hadn't realized how much I missed being with this group every Saturday. They are my running family. I actually can't wait until next weekend when we get to do it all over again.

Weird how things can change a person's life, eh?


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