Friday, July 08, 2005


I've made a decision. I'm going to be a mentor for the winter season of Team in Training. My mentor sucked so bad that I figured I should make sure that others aren't subjected to the same fate as me. Mine gave me hardly any support at all. She never came to any of our practices, she only emailed me about 3 times during the entire season, she never came to any of my fundraisers, & the one & only time she called me, she called early on a Saturday morning when she knew I was out running with the team. (Her message even said "I know you're probably at practice right now, but I just wanted to call & see how things were going.") The last time I saw her was at the big 21 mile practice. She manned our water station. When she saw me & the big ass scar/cut on my knee, she said "Oh my God! What happened!?!?!" I wanted to say "Well, if you'd been around or ever tried to contact me, you'd know what happened!" Hell, everyone on the team knew what had happened to me. Ya know why? Because, unlike my mentor, they were there at practice & they all saw it happen!

I mean Jeebus... she didn't even call me or send me an email wishing me luck in the friggin' marathon before I left! Other mentors sent their mentees to the marathon with hand made cards & "goody bags". Me? I got BUPKISS!!! Why the hell did she even become a mentor if she wasn't going to do anything?


Anyway, there's a mentor's meeting Tuesday night, & another one on the 20th. I'll likely go to the one on the 20th cuz things will be too hectic next week w/ my boss back in town again. Two of my good friends from my team have also decided to mentor with me. It should be fun, especially since the Houston marathon is this season, which means we should have lots of participants. I'm pretty excited. :)


At 11:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, there is an urgent need for a Vietnamese bone marrow donor. Please pass the word:


PS I'm signing up to be a mentor, too! I'm very excited. I hope you enjoy the experience.


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