Sunday, July 17, 2005


I know I need to get back out there & start running again, but I am dreading it so. damn. much!! I don't know why. Maybe it's because I have no real cause behind it now that I've run my marathon for TNT. By not running right now, I'm only letting down myself & not people dying of cancer.

I keep thinking if I hadn't gotten so sick immediately after returning from the marathon in Alaska, that I would've been "back in the saddle" much sooner. I'm hoping that once the new season starts on Aug. 5 & I start mentoring the new crop of TNT runners that it will give me back that motivation I once had. All I know is that if I don't get back into running regularly again, I'm going to gain back all the weight I lost & I'll start feeling like shit about myself again. I need to keep reminding myself of all the progress I made & how good it all made me feel. Maybe that will keep me motivated.

*crosses fingers*

Now if only all this damn rain would stop, I could get out there sooner. But now there's Hurricane Emily threatening us on the horizon & this rain isn't supposed to go away for at least another 2 or 3 days.

Eh. Maybe I'll just start going to the gym & run in the pool. Something's gotta give!


At 7:36 AM, Blogger jeanne said...

Hey Erin:
I find it terrifically hard to get out there and run, and I've had a pretty steady routine since April 2005! I still dread it! And it's especially hard to read all the other blogs where people are making so much progress! It gets very discouraging.

One little trick I have is to try not to think about it; just pick a time (for me it's before work, because that's the only time I can do it), and then just go thru the motions like a zombie of changing clothes, etc., and getting out on that trail.

I've been reading Galloway, which is the method the Aids Marathon program follows, where you take FREQUENT walk breaks. So right now, I'm trying to run those four miles without taking walk breaks, but during my long runs on the weekend we run 3 min./walk 1 min. And I think I should probably go back to that during the week too.

I hope this helps! Read about Galloway's method; it can really help those of us who are not natural runners.


At 9:47 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

That first step out the door is the hardest one. Once you've done that you've already won. Come on Erin, just get out there one this week and at least walk. And if you feel like jogging a bit while you're out there so much the better. Remember what you did! You went 26.2 miles in the ran and mud. You can make if for one mile no problem. Just to pressure yourself with an expecation of speed or distance. Just get out there and let your body guide you.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Sorry about all the typos, didn't preview. Oops. "Just DON'T pressure yourself if expectations."


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