Sunday, January 22, 2006


For the last week (& especially this weekend) I have been a complete & total bum. I haven't done a lick of exercise since the 1/2 marathon. My right IT band that bothered me from about mile 1.5 & on is still bothering me, but even worse, my right shoulder had been in terrible pain since the night of the marathon & didn't stop hurting until yesterday. It drove me quite mad, the whole not being able to use my arm thing. Apparently pumping my arms up & down for 3.5 hours might have had something to do with it. ;) I saw a Dr. on Wed. & it looks like it's tendonitis. He said I've lost at least 30% of the mobility on my right side & it goes all the way down to my leg.


I'm just glad the pain finally let up. It's still sore when I move my arm in certain directions, but it's no longer the searing pain that makes me scream like before.

I go back to the Dr. Tuesday for a follow-up & to find out what I need to do to get the strength back in my right side. Until then, I do nothing.



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