Monday, February 07, 2005

Training Day 1

Well, day 1 was a VERY wet day of training. Since my 1st 3 days of training are solo days, & I wasn't given specific work-out instructions (only that they had to be at least 20 minutes) I decided that walking home from work would be part of my 1st work out. It had been raining most of the day, but by the time 5:00 rolled around it was a mere drizzle, so I decided to brave the elements. I donned my sweats & old walking shoes (I didn't bring my new running shoes to work... didn't want to get them wet & muddy on the 1st use), packed all my stuff up in my backback & started my 1.5 mile walk home. I didn't go my usual strolling pace. I walked as fast as I could (not too easy w/ a big ass backpack on my back). About 1/3 of the way home, the drizzle turned into a downpour. Thankfully I had my umbrella ready, but it didn't exactly offer me full coverage. By the time I got home, I was soaked from the knees down. But the rain made me pick up the pace even more & I got my heart rate going nice & strong.

Hopefully the rain will be gone by tomorrow. I plan on walking home again and, weather permitting, walking at least another 1 or 2 miles with the puppy when I get home. If it's raining, then I'll just go to the gym & work on my legs w/ weights or maybe hit the pool. I need to get my knees back in shape & the pool really helps. I'm still not sure what my Thursday work-out will be. Saturday is the 1st group distance workout. We'll do a 3 mile time-trial to see where we stand. From there, they'll group us with people of the same or similar paces.

I can't believe how excited I am about working out. That's just crazy, isn't it? It's funny how knowing there are so many people relying on you can really keep you motivated.


At 7:50 PM, Blogger Lara said...

What a fantastic thing to do. I wish you the best of luck!


At 7:54 PM, Blogger Wardo said...

Training is good. I hit the iron 4x a week. It maitains my incredible masculine vitality.

Keep it up, and maybe someday you'll be as good as me.


At 8:03 PM, Blogger Chad Brooks said...

Good luck on your training. I am a little concerned that you are planning on a marathon with less than six months training. Do the marathon training but carefully consider running the marathon. I have done 13 marathons and plan on my first ultra in March. I think a year's base is probably a good idea. The TNT coaches are usually pretty good and I don't think they will lead you astray. Remember to have fun - and don't overtrain.

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Megan said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! I'm so proud of you, ya know that?

Keep me up on your training schedule please. I don't have the luxury of working out with them, so I'd like a little scoop on what you're doing. Thanks girl!

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Erin said...

No problem girl. I'll hook you up. Isn't your 1/2 marathon in April? You need to keep me up on how that's going. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)

And thanks to everyone else for your comments.

Chad - don't worry... I'm not going to over-do it. First of all, I'm plannning on walking most of this race. Second of all, if I feel even a little bit like I won't be able to do the full marathon, I have no problem switching back to the 1/2. I don't care if it takes me 8 hours... I WILL finish! :)


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